Mt. Κοίνη

Everything you need to read the Bible in Greek and enjoy doing it.

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Most Greek courses are as dry as dust. No one can choke them down! Greek for Everyone uses entertaining videos, full color materials, interactive quizzes, and group learning to keep it fun and keep you moving forward.

This course gives you everything you need to read the New Testament in Greek in a format you'll enjoy and actually use. Best of all, it's totally free. Really! No gimmicks. No tricks. Just sweet, free Greek for everyone.

Your Instructor

Dr. Maury Robertson
Dr. Maury Robertson

In 1995 Dr. Maury Robertson received his Ph.D. in New Testament from Gateway Seminary. For over 20 years he used Greek in ministry, preaching directly from the Greek New Testament. For over 15 years, he taught Greek and New Testament at Gateway Seminary.

Dr. Robertson is now dedicated to helping people like you learn Greek. He loves to use humor to teach, making Greek not only possible, but fun.

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